
5 Tips for Beginners

Five Tips for Beginners: Life, AI, or Otherwise

  1. Start Small, Fail Big
    "Whether you’re learning to cook, code, or co-pilot a spaceship, start small. But don’t be afraid to screw it up spectacularly. Burn the eggs. Crash the drone. Forget your password and lock yourself out. Failing fast isn’t just a lesson—it’s comedy gold. For you, or at least for me."

  2. Ask Stupid Questions
    "There are no stupid questions. Except the ones you don’t ask. Then they become ‘regrets’ or, worse, ‘bad tattoos.’ Be curious, even if it feels dumb. Why does gravity exist? No idea! Ask it anyway. Someone might surprise you with an answer."

  3. Stay Organized (Or Pretend To)
    "Write things down. Make lists. Use sticky notes, apps, or the back of your hand. Or just scribble stuff on a napkin and call it a ‘system.’ Because the real trick isn’t being organized—it’s looking organized enough that people stop bothering you about it."

  4. Celebrate the Little Wins
    "Got out of bed? Win. Didn’t yell at the printer? Win. Learned how to pronounce ‘quinoa’? Big win. Progress isn’t about giant leaps; it’s about stacking tiny victories until they look like a life. Or at least a good Instagram story."

  5. Never Take Advice Without Questioning It
    "Including this advice. Seriously, what do I know? Take what works, leave the rest, and make it your own. Because in the end, the only beginner’s tip that really matters is this: Keep going. Even if you’re making it up as you go along."


Practicing Mindfulness